Grb BiH


Friends of the PSOTC Conference 2023

19 SEP 2023

The Ministry of Defense of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the PSOTC conducted the "Friends of PSOTC Conference 2023” on September 19, 2023.

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The Friends of PSOTC Conference was held at the Hills Hotel on September 19, 2023. The conference was attended by more than 60 participants from 21 partner countries (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Croatia, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and United States), 4 international organizations (OSCE, EUFOR, NATO HQ Brussels, and NATO HQ Sa), the Ministry of Defense of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Recognizing the significance of cooperation with partners in maintaining international peace and security throughout the world and the role and weight of relevant education and training for future peace support operations, on an annual basis, the Ministry of Defense of Bosnia and Herzegovina organizes a conference with existing and potential future partners. The purpose of the conference was to inform partners on the PSOTC achievements in 2023, discuss plans for 2024, and consider the concept of future cooperation in terms of the educational and training functions of PSOTC in the field of peace support operations.

The conference was chaired by the Assistant Minister of Defense for International Cooperation, Mr. Zoran Šajinović. The opening ceremony was augmented by the presence of the Deputy Chief of the Joint Staff of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Major General Ivica Jerkić, NATO HQ SA Commander Brigadier General Pamela McGaha and EUFOR Commander Major General Helmut Hebermayer. The main topics for this year's Friends of PSOTC Conference were the exchange of information on the results that PSOTC achieved in the previous period and plans for 2024, as well as discussion on the establishment of mechanisms for cooperation and support of the PSOTC.

The Assistant Minister for International Cooperation, Ministry of Defense of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr. Zoran Šajinović, expressed his appreciation for participation in this event and emphasized the importance of the conference not only for the PSOTC but also for the Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina. PSOTC Commandant, Colonel Elvedin Omić, summarized the work for the period from the last Friends of PSOTC Conference, highlighting the importance of partners involvement in PSOTC’s future projects.