Grb BiH


Closing ceremony of the UN Police Officers Course, Danilovgrad, Montenegro.

30 JUN 2023

Today, June 30, 2023 the two weeks UNPOL course has come to an end.

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This course was organized for the first time for the members of the Ministry of the Interior of Montenegro in Danilovgrad, delivered by the Peace Support Operations Training Center (PSOTC) Mobile Training Team (MTT) together with the team of instructors from BiH police agencies. At the closing ceremony the students were adressed by Acting Police Director of  Montenegrin police, Mr Nikola Terzić and the PSOTC Commandant, Colonel Elvedin Omić who emphasized the importance of holding such a courses that directly contributes to international security, stability, and prosperity through the engagement of police officers in UN police missions. This course is a greate example of cooperation between the Ministry of the Interior of Montenegro and PSOTC in the field of training and education.