Grb BiH


UN Staff Officers Course Closing Ceremony

19 NOV 2021

After three weeks of lecturing, the UN Staff Officers Course comes to an end with the closing ceremony held on 19th November 2021.

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The UN Staff Officers Course has been held from 1st November to 19 November 2021, where in total 19 participants, the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina members, successfully completed the course. Besides PSOTC staff, the course was delivered by instructors from other units of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the International Committee of Red Cross – office in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The UN Staff Officers Course has been designed to generally prepare the participants for duties in a peace operation so that they can: contribute efficiently to implementing military aspects of UN peacekeeping mandates in accordance with DPO/DOS principles and guidelines; perform their military functions in an effective, professional and integrated manner; and demonstrate the core values and competencies of the United Nations.