Grb BiH


NATO Quality Assurance Forum (QA-Forum)

09 SEP 2024

08 OCT - 09 OCT

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The NATO Quality Assurance Forum (QA-Forum), conducted as a two-day event, aims to:

a. Foster and improve networking and active cooperation/interaction within the QA
Community of Interest (COI) to ensure synchronization and enhanced interoperability.
b. Enable contribution to the development of strategies capable of successfully
addressing any foreseeable challenges to the NATO QA Programme.
c. Provide information on the QA work program 2025 (POW 25), finalize it and look
beyond to future years.
d. Share Lessons Learned (LL) and Best Practices (BP) collected during the
(re-)accreditation on-site visits (OSV).
e. Introduce upcoming challenges and major projects impacting NATO’s Education
and Individual Training (E&IT).