Duration: | 1 WEEK |
Iteration | On request |
Course structure: |
Classification: | NATO Unclassified |
ePrime Reference Number: | Based on PSOTC.6 |
ETOC Course Code: | Based on MCP-CM-35692 |
ETF Course Code: | PSOTC.MTT.2 |
Course Description
The UN Comprehensive Protection of Civilians Course (UNCPOCC) provides an understanding of the Protection of Civilians within the UN peace operations framework through lectures, syndicate discussions, and scenario-based exercise (SBE). In addition to POC, emphasis will be placed on Gender and Child Protection in peace operations and the Prevention of Sexual Violence.
Course Aim
The aim of the course is to provide the key personnel from tactical HQs deploying on UN peace operations with a framework for understanding the impact of Protection of Civilians (POC), Child Protection, and Conflict-Related Sexual Violence (CRSV) on the tactical planning level within UN Peacekeeping, and how to integrate military and other agencies‘ protection efforts in multidimensional UN peace operations.
Learning objectives
- Comprehend POC conceptual framework and challenges for its implementation in the UN peace operations environment;
- Identify the key components of the legal framework that supports the POC concept;
- Implement the POC concept in the operational planning process;
- Comprehend special considerations for Conflict-Related Sexual Violence (CRSV) and Child Protection (CP).
Course Participants
- Up to 40 participants;
- Military officers (OF-1 – OF-4) and senior NCOs including all services, as well as police and civilian equivalents selected to be deployed as peacekeepers in UN peace operations;
- Course participants should have basic knowledge about United Nations, preferably completed UN Staff Officer Course, UN Military Observers Course, and UN Police Officers Course;
- Participants have to have at least 2, 2, 2, 2 of proficiency in English (as prescribed by STANAG 6001) or approximately B2 level in accordance with the Common European Frame (CEFR).
This course is based on the residential UN Comprehensive Protection of Civilians Course (ePrime: PSOTC.6; ETOC: MCP-CM-35692). The Course is delivered by national and international instructors and subject matter experts.
Read out "United Nations Peacekeeping Operations Principles and Guidelines" also known as Capstone or the Capstone Doctrine.
It is strongly recommended for all course participants to complete ADL Course on UN Core Pre-Deployment Training Materials (CPTM) at PSOTC ADL platform. All participants will receive via email an instruction about the access on the ADL platform. The overall knowledge obtained during online ADL course will be subject on theory based test on first day of the Course.
REMARK: PSOTC is not the owner of the prerequisite material. It is located on the third parties websites and all regulations and procedures applied can be found on their websites.