Grb BiH


On May 09, 2024, PSOTC warmly welcomed a delegation from the Faculty of Political Science (FPS) at the University of Sarajevo.

09 MAY 2024

Led by Prof. Dr. Mirza Smajić, Head of the Department of Security and Peace Studies at FPS, the group of staff and students from FPS was greeted by LTC Damir Alibašić, Head of the Education and Training Development Section, and LTC Jasmin Sofić, Head of the Wider Security Courses Section at PSOTC.

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During their visit, the Faculty of Political Science delegation had the opportunity to gain insights into the operations of PSOTC and to glean valuable insights from missions involving the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This visit underscores the strong and fruitful collaboration between PSOTC and FPS. PSOTC remains dedicated to fostering partnerships with esteemed institutions like FPS, and we are honored to count FPS among our valued allies in fulfilling our mission.