Grb BiH


The signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding between NATO HQ Sa, EUFOR, and the Ministry of Defence of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Peace Support Operations Training Center (PSOTC) in Camp Butmir

21 FEB 2024

Today, February 21, 2024, an official ceremony was held for signing the Memorandum of Understanding between NATO HQ Sa, EUFOR, and the Ministry of Defence of Bosnia and Herzegovina at PSOTC premises in Camp Butmir.

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The NATO HQ Sa and EUFOR provide continuous support to the PSOTC, which has been located in the Butmir camp since its establishment in 2003. After the transfer of the PSOTC to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defence of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2012, mutual relations are regulated by the Memorandum of Understanding among NATO HQ Sa, EUFOR, and the Ministry of Defense of Bosnia and Herzegovina regarding the functioning of the Peace Support Operations Training Center at Camp Butmir.The duration of the Memorandum of Understanding is 5 years and may be extended further if mutually agreed upon in writing by the participants. The memorandum of understanding was signed by the Minister of Defence of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr.Zukan Helez, NATO HQ Sa Commander BG Pamela McGaha, as well as EUFOR Commander MG László Sticz. By signing this memorandum, all three parties once again expressed their determination to support the work of the PSOTC and to demonstrate their desire to continue the excellent cooperation between these institutions.