Grb BiH


Today, January 30, 2024, in the premises of the Peace Support Operations Training Center (PSOTC), there was the donation handover ceremony between the Government of the Kingdom of Norway and the Ministry of Defense of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 30 JAN 2024
As a part of the activity „Information Visit/Expert Talks, “the representatives of the MoD DEU accompanied by the MoD BIH Inspector General Office team, visited PSOTC today, December 13, 2023. 13 DEC 2023
On December 01, 2023, Canadian Defense Attaché Colonel André E. Salloum, visited PSOTC. 01 DEC 2023
Today, December 01, 2023, after one week of education, the Euro-Atlantic Security Course has ended. 01 DEC 2023
Today, November 29, 2023, the delegation from HQ Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (SACT), led by Head, Strategic Issues and Engagements Dr. Vlasta Zekulić, accompanied by her team, visited PSOTC. 29 NOV 2023
On 28 November 2023 the Peace Support Operations Training Centre (PSOTC) held a ceremony to celebrate the Day of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the 18th anniversary of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 28 NOV 2023
The Euro-Atlantic Security Course started today, November 27, 2023, at PSOTC, and it will last until December 1, 2023. 27 NOV 2023
Today, November 24, 2023, the Combat Readiness Evaluation (CREVAL) course was successfully completed. 24 NOV 2023
Today, November 23, 2023, the delegation from the Croatian War College visited PSOTC as a part of the Field Study Program. 23 NOV 2023
As a part of the Instructor Exchange program, the PSOTC member, Captain Vladimir Antić, supports the Peace Support Operations Cooperation Course in the Peace Support Training Centre (PSTC) in Hungary. 22 NOV 2023