Grb BiH


Defence Attaché Orientation Course in Defence and Diplomacy has started at PSOTC

24 JUN 2024

From June 23 to June 28, 2024, PSOTC will implement the Defence Attaché Orientation Course in Defence and Diplomacy in cooperation with Defence Attaché Office of the Republic of Austria in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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This year, PSOTC has taken a significant step forward in the organization and execution of its courses. A prime example of the center's ongoing commitment to progress is organization and implementation of this course for military attachés. The participation of 29 attendees from 12 different countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Austria, Croatia, Czech, France, Georgia, North Macedonia, Qatar, Slovenia, Spain, and United Kingdom) highlights the substantial interest in PSOTC's programs. These participants will have the unique opportunity to gain knowledge and insights from numerous experts who are coming from different countries and institutions (Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Romania, Switzerland, and United Kingdom). The aim of this very intense, down-to-earth and unique course is to familiarize defence officials with working in multilateral and multicultural settings. The course is designed to develop the skills and expertise of defence officials working in various aspects of international security and to provide practical training in national and international procedures relevant to their future work. In addition, Protocol, Etiquette and Diplomatic Environment are also very important part of this Course ending on Friday by conducting Exemplary DA Tour to various military and touristic locations throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina.