19 JUN 2023
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The course will last two weeks, from 19 to 30 June 2023 and is delivered for the first time in Montenegro. The course director LTC Jasmin Sofić together with other PSOTC Directing Staff as well as the selected Directing Staff from various police agencies from Bosnia and Hercegovina will train the Montenegro police officers for possible deployment to UN missions. The aim of the course is to turn capable police officers into competent peacekeepers who can fulfil police aspects of UN peace operations mandates in accordance with DPO/DOS principles and guidelines and their underlying international legal standards. Furthermore, to perform their police functions in an effective, professional, and integrated manner and to demonstrate the core values and competencies of the United Nations. Through this MTT activity PSOTC supports Montenegro Police in their efforts to enhance their capacities and capabilities to contribute to the peace and stability across the globe by participating in UN missions.