Grb BiH


The UN Comprehensive Protection of Civilians Course comes to an end.

07 JUL 2023

Today, July 7, 2023, after one week of education, the UN Comprehensive Protection of Civilians Course has ended.

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Altogether, 23 participants from eight different countries (ALB, BIH, CAN, CHL, LVA, LTU, MKD, and POL) completed the course and received certificates at the closing ceremony held at the PSOTC today. After one week of studying, the course participants are now able to understand the implications of Protection of Civilians (POC) and children as well as Conflict-related Sexual Violence (CRSV) in the context of the UN-led Peace Support Operations (PSO). Besides PSOTC staff, guest instructors from Austria, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Serbia, and the Border Police of Bosnia and Herzegovina supported this course.